Services Summaries

The 2023 Point-in-Time (PIT) count for Multnomah County, Oregon recorded 6,297 people experiencing homelessness, including 1,604 unsheltered people ( living outside, in cars or tents) and 1,821 people in shelter: and we know these numbers are low due to the logistics of the count itself.

PDX Houseless

The communities we serve are even more vulnerable to homelessness, especially as a result of gender-based violence. 69.8% of transgender people, 66.7% of gender non-conforming, and 59% of women experiencing homelessness also had a history of domestic violence. 43% of those reporting a history of domestic violence were also currently unsheltered. On top of that finding affordable housing is nearly impossible. In Portland alone rent has increased by 40% in the last year according to redfin.

We have seen the impact of this; serving a significant increase in women and children over the past 6 years. Services summaries below reflect this progression each year, and the support provided by the community to meet the increasing need.